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Dr Margot Wells

Wellfast athletes start indoor season with Personal Bests

The Wellfast athletes have started their opening indoor season with Personal Bests at the Windsor Slough & Eton 60m Open.

Chris Pope who is the newest member of Wellfast has only been training for a few months ran a time of 7.10 in his first race of the season.

Simon Wells who also was competing at Eton ran a new personal best of 7.23 in his race.

Sunday 6th of January 2013 Eton 60m Indoor Results

60 SX 1.2

1. 7.10 i Jordan Duvigneau 
2. 7.10 i Chris Pope 
3. 7.17 i David Harvey
4. 7.17 i Jason Greenidge 
5. 7.23 i Mutara Sheriff 

60 SX 2.3

1. 7.17 i Jordan Dorrian
2. 7.20 i Mutara Sheriff
3. 7.20 i Jerwayne Grant
4. 7.23 i Simon Wells
5. 7.24 i Jonathan Baxter 


Both Chris and Simon have competed again since and both have set a new personal best for their 60m.

Chris ran at the Crystal Palace 60m open which is where Chris trains regularly. He ran a new Personal Best of 6.89 which is a great time and has qualified him to run at the British Athletics European Trials & UK Championships in Sheffield.

Wednesday 16th of January 2013 Crystal Palace 60m Open Result

60 SX 1.3

1 6.89 i Chris Pope 
2 7.16 i Alex Al Ameen
3 7.23 i Richard Agyapong
4 7.33 i Daryl Thomas
5 7.38 i Phillip Robinson 

Simon ran his second competition at the Newham & Essex Indoor 60m Open. Simon ran a new Personal Best of 7.18 twice in both his races.

Wednesday the 23rd of January 2013 Newham & Essex 60m Open Result

60 SX 1.7

1 7.18 i Simon Wells 
2 7.20 i Paris Pilgrim
3 7.23 i Joshua Nevers-Simpson
4 7.25 i Jahmal Germain
5 7.29 i James Alcock 
6 7.37 i Nana Nottinson-Nyaaku
7 7.39 i Joe Appiah 

Chris & Simon will be competing next at the Crystal Palace 60m Indoor Open on Wednesday the 6th of February.



Our friends say...

"Speed and power is everything in any sport, from the shortest sprint to the longest Ironman marathon. My sport of rowing is a muscular endurance event. It's good to be big and strong and have the endurance to complete the course, without speed and speed of movement you are not going to win races and achieve your goals...."

Sir Steve Redgrave C.B.E.
5 Times Olympic Champion